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Event Details

    Chapter Meeting - Let's Learn from One Another

    Date: March 27, 2019, 12:00pm
    Sauk Valley Community College, Room 2K2
    173 IL Rt. 2
    Dixon, IL 61021
    Event Type:
    Chapter Meeting
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    Networking Event - Let's Learn from One Another!

    How is your company handling the minimum wage increase?

    What HR policies and legal aspects change when a company exceeds 50 employees?

    What have been some of your best strategies in talking to veteran employees about their possible retirement dates?

    And, these are the just the tip of the iceberg! 

    Your fellow RRHRPA members have asked, and now, they are looking for your answers to the above questions and more!  

    Come share your knowledge and experience with other HR professionals at this networking event.  You may even go away with more information than you thought possible.

    RRHRPA has always maintained that our network exists as a resource.  HR can feel like an island at times, and when you have nearly 60 other professionals to garner knowledge and experience from, who could go wrong.

    Hope to see everyone at this great event!